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How to sign up for ADDitions
Would you like to help us out with lunch coverage, field trips, or other school activities/events? We would LOVE to have our parents help out with lunch coverage. All volunteers must be approved through ADDitions (each year) in order to volunteer in OCPS. Once approved, be sure to watch the training video on your dashboard when you login to the website below.
If this is your first time completing your ADDitions application, we've created a short video to help walk you through the process.
Additions Training Video:
Link to sign up to be ADDitions volunteers:
Media Center Book List
Each year we purchase new books for the media center based on student interests and campus needs. Titles under consideration for purchase this year are included on this spreadsheet. You can find basic information about the books including title, author, ISBN, and book reviews. Please take a look at the proposed titles. You can submit questions or feedback to Michelle Starcher via email at